What is ISO certification?

In a global marketplace, standardisation is necessary, otherwise, it becomes difficult to maintain quality and consistency across different nations and different industries. Certifications that are created by international standards help to level the playing field, and, one such organisation is
International Organization for Standardization (ISO). In this article, we will discuss what is ISO certification, how it is developed and what are the benefits of ISO certification in Australia.

Iso definition

What is ISO?

ISO is a non-governmental organisation that is composed of national standard bodies which develop a wide range of proprietary, industrial and commercial standards. The organisation is comprised of representatives from various national standards organisations. It was founded in 1947 and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.

In addition to producing standards, ISO also develops technical reports, technical specifications, publicly available specifications, and guides. ISO plays a critical role in facilitating world-trade by providing common standards between different countries. ISO standards cover a variety of fields, such as technology, healthcare, manufacturing, security and the environment.

What is ISO certification?

ISO certification is a stamp of authorisation or approval by an independent body that a company adheres to one of the standards published by ISO. ISO is a non-governmental, independent, international organisation that gathers experts to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, so that international standards are created and technological advancements are encouraged. The purpose of the ISO standards is to offer solutions to worldwide challenges.

When an organisation acquires an ISO certification, it confirms that the company or its services or products, are operating responsibly and in accordance with internationally accepted management procedures as well as industry standards. Acquiring the ISO certification is a great method to demonstrate to all your stakeholders, including your potential customers, that you are actively trying to improve your management system so that your products or services are at par with international standards.

ISO has various standards and certifications. One of the most popular of these standards is ISO 9001. You can benefit from ISO 9001 consulting in Australia by using ISO Counsel services.

How are ISO standards developed?

ISO has a six-stage process for developing standards that include the proposal stage, the preparatory stage, the committee stage, the enquiry stage, the approval stage and the publication stage. In the proposal stage, the relevant ISO committee decides whether a new standard is indeed required. In the preparatory phase, a working group is set-up to prepare a working draft of the new standard. During the committee stage, the members of the parent committee review and comment on the drafted version of the standard.

In the next stage, namely the enquiry stage, the draft is presented in front of the committee and submitted for a vote. After voting, the draft is submitted as a final draft for approval in the approval stage, and if the ISO members approve the new standard, the final draft is published as an official international standard in the publication stage.

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Who approves ISO standards?

ISO standards are only published after they pass a consensus vote by experts in the related fields. Hence, the standards are internationally agreed upon and widely accepted. The experts are people who know what their industries need, understand the requirements of their customers and are aware of the industry-specific pain-points. Experts range from manufacturers, sellers, buyers, customers, trade associations, users or regulators.

What are some of the more popular ISO standards

Organisations choose certifications based on their unique needs, values and objectives. Having said that, some of the more popular ISO standards include the ISO 9001 standard, that focuses on quality management by providing the framework for an efficient Quality Management System (QMS). Similarly, the ISO 14001 standard focuses on enhancing the environmental performance of an organisation, whereas the ISO 45001 standard focuses on increasing work-place safety.

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How to get ISO certification

The certification process begins by choosing the type of ISO certification that is the most needed for your business. After selecting the standard that is the most suitable for your organisation, you must begin to conduct a gap analysis to identify the differences in your current management system and the recommendations outlined in the standard. Afterwards, it is crucial to address these deficiencies and run your management system in accordance to the requirements of the standard.

Having run your management system for a few months, and documenting your process, it is time for you to conduct an internal audit to identify if any nonconformities exist. Based on your performance, you can write an application to a certification body and wait for an external audit. If you don’t know where to start to implement ISO, the article How to get ISO certification will be a complete guide for you.

Benefits of ISO certification in Australia?

In addition to improved efficiency and productivity in the business, ISO certification grants many benefits to any organisation that acquires it. One such advantage is increased customer satisfaction, as your business processes become more defined and quality becomes more consistent.

Similarly, due to proper understanding of requirements and how you can efficiently fulfil those requirements, your staff will have a more comprehensive idea of how their contributions are helping to achieve the overall success of the business. As a result, your staff is more engaged, and job satisfaction is enhanced. We have discussed this fully in our article on the benefits of ISO certification in Australia.


ISO certification proves to your stakeholders that you are committed to continually improving your management systems. Acquiring ISO certification helps to increase customer satisfaction, increase efficiency, reduce costs and enhance employee engagement.

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ISO certification gives your organisation a competitive edge. By helping you increase operational efficiency and overall product consistency, your business credibility and authority will soar to new heights.

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