ISO certification is a globally recognised standard that ensures that an organisation’s products and services meet specific quality standards. ISO stands for International Organisation for Standardisation, an independent, non-governmental organisation that develops and publishes international standards for various industries, including manufacturing, health care, and information technology.

ISO certification is a voluntary process that an organisation can undertake to demonstrate its commitment to quality and continuous improvement. In Australia, ISO accreditation is critical to businesses because customers expect high-quality products and services. Additionally, ISO accreditation can help organisations reduce costs and increase efficiency by streamlining their processes and identifying areas for improvement. However, few people know how it works, so we will discuss the details in this article.

ISO Standards in Australia

In Australia, some ISO standards are more common than others because they are catered to the country’s specific industries and needs. Some of the most common ISO standards in Australia include:

  • ISO 9001 – Quality Management Systems
  • ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management
  • ISO 22000 – Food Safety Management
  • ISO 31000 – Risk Management
  • ISO 14001 – Environmental Management Systems
  • ISO 27001 – Information Security

Steps to Becoming ISO Certified in Australia

Becoming ISO certified in Australia means undergoing a process. The steps are as follows:

Step 1: Gap Analysis

The gap analysis is a process of evaluating your business in comparison to the ISO standard you desire. It helps you identify the areas where your business needs improvement to qualify for certification. After completing the gap analysis, our team will discuss the results with your management team and use them to create the necessary compliance documents.

Step 2: Prepare Your Documents for Certification

ISO certification is crucial for any business to establish its credibility in the market. It’s a globally recognised standard demonstrating a company’s ability to meet customer needs and statutory and regulatory requirements while enhancing customer satisfaction, which is vital to the process. The documentation outlines the compliance objectives and procedures the business will follow to ensure compliance with the specific ISO certification.

For example, ISO 45001 guarantees that a company maintains occupational health and safety. However, without the correct documentation, the systems cannot be successful, and certification cannot be obtained. A JASANZ Accredited Conformity Assessment Body, such as QMS, can assess the documentation during an audit to verify that the management system fulfils the standards. This documentation shows that the management system meets the chosen standard’s criteria.

Step 3: Developing a Management System

To ensure long-term compliance, creating a new management system that meets certification and business requirements may be necessary. Your primary focus should be on developing a management system that follows ISO standards and then integrating it into your business operations.

Step 4: Implementation

After the management system has been developed, it’s time to implement it. This stage involves training employees on and incorporating the new system into daily operations. Ensuring all employees understand the new system and their roles in maintaining it is crucial for maximum productivity..

For example, if your management system includes a new process for tracking and reporting environmental impacts, employees responsible for collecting data must be trained on the new process and accurately report the information. Additionally, employees must be aware of any new policies or procedures related to the management system and how to follow them.

Step 5: Constant Improvements

Continuous improvement is critical to maintaining compliance with ISO standards and ensuring the management system’s effectiveness. This involves regularly reviewing and assessing the system’s performance, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing necessary changes to enhance the system’s efficiency and effectiveness. This step involves ongoing training, monitoring, and evaluating the system to ensure its success. The ultimate goal is to maintain certification and achieve constant improvement towards the organisation’s objectives.


ISO certifications are a significant achievement for any organisation because it demonstrates a commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and continuous improvement. For this reason, all business owners must go the extra mile to ensure they get their ISO certifications. This way, they can continue serving their customers with no problems.

If you’re looking for ISO accreditation consultants, The ISO Council can help you! ISO accreditation is a serious matter, so we will work with you to maintain quality standards to ensure you can be a business that consumers will trust. Call us today at +61 2 8011 4666 to get a quote!